Removable Implant Supported Denture

The biggest challenge with the conventional denture is that it is supported on gum tissue. Therefore, its chewing efficiency is only 20 to 30 percent as compared to natural teeth. As the time goes by our gums and the bone shrinks and the denture become loose and at times can be a cause of embarrassment in public. As the conventional denture is retained by our muscles, cheeks and gums they need a broad base and that is why these dentures covers the roof of the mouth with a plate, for extra support and retention.

The removable implant supported denture overcomes all the above drawbacks. They gain very good retention and support from the implants underneath. Furthermore, the implants do not allow the gum and the bone to shrink rapidly. The upper denture need not extend on the roof of the mouth with a broad plate and therefore one feels more natural while eating and talking. They also need less number of implants as compared to fix implant supported teeth and therefore costs less.

The removable implant supported dentures gives good esthetics as they support lips, cheeks and shows right amount of gum and teeth. Some of the patients may have lost so much of bone over the time that the implant supported fix bridge will not be able to replace the lost bone and gum and may look unnatural. The removable implant supported dentures, however, can overcome these draw backs.

The removable implant supported dentures are basically anchored to Implants in two ways-

1. With the clip on type of attachments called locators.

2. Bar is seated on the implants and the denture gets anchorage from the bar.

Both the types of the dentures gives high level of satisfaction for chewing and aesthetics to the patient.

Removable Implant Supported Denture

Implant Supported Dentures

Conventional dentures have a tendency to come loose because of the ineffectiveness of dental adhesives—but with implant supported dentures, that ceases to be a problem.

Some of the benefits of stabilising dentures with dental implants are:

What to expect

During your initial consultation an x-ray will be taken and a mould of your teeth created to observe the implant position. If you do not have adequate jaw bone structure you may require a bone graft prior to surgery.

After this we will then advise the best form of treatment (either fixed, removable or implant-stabilised) and the best way to proceed with this treatment.

Different types of implant supported overdentures

There are three different treatment options with implant supported dentures:


If all of your teeth require replacement, a custom made denture can be fitted to dental implant foundations. Once the implants are inserted and have healed, you will be fitted for an overdenture that attaches to the implants. Due to the fact that the overdenture is supported by dental implants it can help stimulate the jaw and maintain bone mass.

Fixed dentures can be removed by a dentist for professional cleaning and maintenance.


A removable implant-supported overdenture is created in a similar fashion to a fixed implant-supported overdenture. However, once the dental implants are placed in your jaw, a custom-made bar will be attached to the implants to support the new overdenture.

Your new overdenture will be able to snap or clip into place, and you will be able to remove it for cleaning yourself.


Implant-stabilised overdentures are custom created in the same manner as fixed and removable dentures. However, a smaller number of implants are used to stabilise the denture. This type of denture is able to be taken out each night to clean it.

Dental implants supported denture